
Finally happened to me

Today I was very unfortunate and was laid off due to shortage of work and downsizing. I wish I listened to my instincts when I smelled a whiff of layoffs coming about a month ago. In terms of being laid off is a letter of layoff necessary or just a gimic? I was offered severance but document stating it was officially a lay off even though my former employer stated during the meeting that it was completely due to business and no fault of my own.

Today I was very unfortunate and was laid off due to shortage of work and downsizing. I wish I listened to my instincts when I smelled a whiff of layoffs coming about a month ago.

In terms of being laid off is a letter of layoff necessary or just a gimic?

I was offered severance but document stating it was officially a lay off even though my former employer stated during the meeting that it was completely due to business and no fault of my own.

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