
Rich people don’t tip

I deliver appliances around the state of Montana for a living, yesterday I delivered to a GIANT mansion about 10 miles outside of Butte, and I busted my ass getting that appliance up the steps into the home. Long story short, I complimented the homeowner on the gorgeous house and view and they proceeded to tell me about how her and her husband have bought up half of uptown Butte and renovated the buildings and it has been such a blessing for the town even though they've had to raise rent prices on everyone. And then she sent me on my way, with no tip I don't expect tips whatsoever but it has been my experience that lower income neighborhoods ALWAYS tip whereas rich communities like Big Sky or Bozeman never tip. What's up with that?

I deliver appliances around the state of Montana for a living, yesterday I delivered to a GIANT mansion about 10 miles outside of Butte, and I busted my ass getting that appliance up the steps into the home. Long story short, I complimented the homeowner on the gorgeous house and view and they proceeded to tell me about how her and her husband have bought up half of uptown Butte and renovated the buildings and it has been such a blessing for the town even though they've had to raise rent prices on everyone. And then she sent me on my way, with no tip I don't expect tips whatsoever but it has been my experience that lower income neighborhoods ALWAYS tip whereas rich communities like Big Sky or Bozeman never tip. What's up with that?

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