
My job refuses to use ventilation or air conditioning and people got sick.

I’m working in a factory currently and the work floor is boiling all the time. Usually I can stand it but tonight I just couldn’t. It was nearly 40C (104F) and we were given nothing to relieve it. Not even a fan. It got so bad that I started falling asleep and after half an hour of trying to keep my eyes open I fell asleep into the coworker on my right. I wasn’t out for very long but the supervisor told me to go home. The worst part? The company has already been told about the unsafe conditions but nothing gets done. We all suffer because of penny pinching. This economy is going to kill us all for a dollar.

I’m working in a factory currently and the work floor is boiling all the time. Usually I can stand it but tonight I just couldn’t. It was nearly 40C (104F) and we were given nothing to relieve it. Not even a fan. It got so bad that I started falling asleep and after half an hour of trying to keep my eyes open I fell asleep into the coworker on my right. I wasn’t out for very long but the supervisor told me to go home. The worst part? The company has already been told about the unsafe conditions but nothing gets done. We all suffer because of penny pinching. This economy is going to kill us all for a dollar.

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