
Decided to quit my job this December

Deciding to quit my job this December I've been at my company for going on 7 years now. I'm pretty exhausted. After months of thought I've decided I'm going to tell my boss that I'm leaving this December 1st. I've decided to do it like this because we are short staffed and very busy and I am a manager (engineering). The people I work with are good people and fair and I don't foresee any problems. I don't see them taking advantage of me. We're already very busy and I'm already maxed out, so theres not much more they can squeeze out of me, and I have no problem continuing on for a bit longer. And if they tell me they want me out in 2 weeks instead, fine no problem, I am prepared. When December 1st hits I am gone. Good bye. I am going to put my feet…

Deciding to quit my job this December

I've been at my company for going on 7 years now. I'm pretty exhausted. After months of thought I've decided I'm going to tell my boss that I'm leaving this December 1st. I've decided to do it like this because we are short staffed and very busy and I am a manager (engineering). The people I work with are good people and fair and I don't foresee any problems. I don't see them taking advantage of me. We're already very busy and I'm already maxed out, so theres not much more they can squeeze out of me, and I have no problem continuing on for a bit longer. And if they tell me they want me out in 2 weeks instead, fine no problem, I am prepared. When December 1st hits I am gone. Good bye. I am going to put my feet up for a bit and relax and then start looking into a different field of work. Thankfully I do have an okay nest egg (by no means rich though) so I should be good. This rat race is absolutely destructive to the psychology. There's no wonder people go insane in todays corporate world. Unless you 110% love your job you are going to crash and burn. My mind will be free and available to seek out other work. Wish me luck guys.

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