
I am a shell of myself

I started this job two months ago and there are so many issues with the department I am responsible for. It is just me in my role for my niche. Our EMR is completely misconfigured and was set up wrong 5 years ago and now the financial and operational impacts are devastating to the organization. I am finding myself working on things that are nothing to do with the job I accepted rather than focusing on kpis I can make changes on. I am getting questioned why things were not updated years ago and I can’t help but laugh. I am getting dumped on all these issues and emails I have no context or knowledge about. People are slapping meetings on my calendar without looking at my calendar availability resulting in conflicts. Zero training on this system by the way. There are days I come into work and I’m like…

I started this job two months ago and there are so many issues with the department I am responsible for. It is just me in my role for my niche. Our EMR is completely misconfigured and was set up wrong 5 years ago and now the financial and operational impacts are devastating to the organization. I am finding myself working on things that are nothing to do with the job I accepted rather than focusing on kpis I can make changes on. I am getting questioned why things were not updated years ago and I can’t help but laugh. I am getting dumped on all these issues and emails I have no context or knowledge about. People are slapping meetings on my calendar without looking at my calendar availability resulting in conflicts. Zero training on this system by the way. There are days I come into work and I’m like I am ready to brace the challenge and then there are days that I am like now I know why there have been two people in the past six months for my position. Oh yeah not to mention there are borderline questionable policies in place that are considered not ok in my industry. (That’s the nice way to put it) i feel I am becoming the scapegoat for 5 years worth of damage by people that don’t know what they are doing. I sat in my car in the parking lot for an hour and a half this afternoon having a mental breakdown wondering why I took this position. I am sleeping maybe 3 hours a night because I have so much anxiety about the role I accepted. I am having a really hard time keeping my emotions in check when I am with myself. Someone please help.

The job market is complete shit right now and I am barely getting interviews considering I have extensive experience in my field.

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