
Got denied raise that I met criteria for shortly after speaking out about a bonus issue

Howdy all I’ve been at my current employer for over a decade. It is a non profit, and for most of that time there has very much been the perception of money being tight – for example , getting approved for OT or getting equipment replaced was always an issue and state funding was always blamed. Over the past few years we have been a lot better with getting funding and grants. Executive pay has gone up a lot, some close to 50% , while lower level worker pay has only gone up marginally. Recently, incentive programs were introduced with bonuses up to 10k if you have certain degrees etc. there is no alternative ncentive program of any kind for employees who don’t meet the criteria. The news about this program has been sent out by HR numerous times in attempts to recruit new employees. Since I’ve been here over…

Howdy all

I’ve been at my current employer for over a decade. It is a non profit, and for most of that time there has very much been the perception of money being tight – for example , getting approved for OT or getting equipment replaced was always an issue and state funding was always blamed.

Over the past few years we have been a lot better with getting funding and grants. Executive pay has gone up a lot, some close to 50% , while lower level worker pay has only gone up marginally.

Recently, incentive programs were introduced with bonuses up to 10k if you have certain degrees etc. there is no alternative ncentive program of any kind for employees who don’t meet the criteria. The news about this program has been sent out by HR numerous times in attempts to recruit new employees.

Since I’ve been here over a decade and have always been underpaid but also have always received positive reviews, I did offer my feedback to HR that I felt it would be appropriate for employees without that level of education but who still receive positive reviews to be eligible , even if on occasion, and even if only a fraction, but to give them the opportunity to earn some sort of incentive of some kind , as opposed to one group getting everything and the other group getting nothing

I was called into the CEOs office over my feedback and told that even if this did happen, that it would make no difference in my life because it’s just money and I should focus more on being a happy person without these incentives. Very odd considering I have very positive relationships with all coworkers, distributors etc

Recently I got my review for the year and it was mostly all very positive with a few complaints that were all sort of “ opinions “ but went against the guidelines I am required to follow by the state. I did mention this in the review several times that I am just following guidelines but supervisor insisted it must be included because it’s client feedback. This was used as justification to only give me a 2% raise even though the standards outlined and the rest of the review showed I should be eligible for at least twice that. Our raises go up to 6% and even if I did t get the 6% I definitely earned the 4 or 5 % without question.

Any advice or opinions ? My feeling as of now is it’s not worth any effort to correct and to just find a new job and move on. Even if the raise issue got fixed at this point it’s just really shitty behavior and I don’t want to be a part of it. It would be a bummer to start over at a new company and have to re earn all my vacation time etc. because I’ve been here so long I earn over a month off every year. That being said my salary is prolly 10k under what it should be.

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