
Late Wages Advice

My relative has been working for an electrical contractor for the last 6 weeks as a cash employee. The owner has consistently not paid him on time usually about 3-4 days late. On the last week of the job my relative had an approved afternoon off for a doctors appointment. He took the afternoon off but I guess the owner and a few other workers stayed later working until 10pm ish. The next day the owner complained that my house relative abandoned him and the crew and he shouldn’t be taking afternoons off ( even though the owner approved it a week in advance ). Now it’s been a week since he should’ve gotten his last paycheck and the owner said in a text “you abandoned us I’ll get around to paying you when I have time”. He is dodging calls and texts. What recourse is there to get his…

My relative has been working for an electrical contractor for the last 6 weeks as a cash employee. The owner has consistently not paid him on time usually about 3-4 days late. On the last week of the job my relative had an approved afternoon off for a doctors appointment. He took the afternoon off but I guess the owner and a few other workers stayed later working until 10pm ish. The next day the owner complained that my house relative abandoned him and the crew and he shouldn’t be taking afternoons off ( even though the owner approved it a week in advance ). Now it’s been a week since he should’ve gotten his last paycheck and the owner said in a text “you abandoned us I’ll get around to paying you when I have time”. He is dodging calls and texts. What recourse is there to get his last paycheck? We are in California

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