I recently made the mode to being an independent consultant. Last year I fired one of my clients, as I wasn't comfortable with the way she managed her staff. She had the bad habit of berating her staff in front of other team members, and talking about other team members behind their backs.
She didn't take me quitting the business well, and was constantly reaching out to see if I could help her out. My book of business was full, so I always had to turn her down. I honestly didn't have the time to do her work justice.
Earlier this year she reached back out and it sounded like she really needed my help. I felt bad, so I sent her a contract for part-time work.
Seems like that was a big mistake. Not only does she withhold information and provide confusing guidance, she has become hypercritical about everything I do. It's hard to put any effort into anything anymore, because it feels like it will just be wrong out of the gate.
She's also become super critical about the amount of hours I bill. Even though I'm well beneath the hours “cap” in my contract, she makes really strange requests for me to break out hours in different itemized ways.
I can't tell if she's under stress, or just trying to get revenge on me for quitting last year.