
Texas hospital question

Posting this on behalf of someone else: I currently work in a hospital in Texas as a technician. We recently got a new boss, and it is impossible to take days off. One example is that in May, I requested some days off for a vacation (Thursday – Tuesday) in June. I found someone to cover my shifts, but they never approved my vacation in our platform until the day of the vacation. Then, the person that covered for me on one of the days I took PTO had something come up and backed out, so they approved two days on the day that I was supposed to have vacation and rejected the last day. (I.e. Requested vacation 5/5 for trip 6/15 – 6/20, found someone to cover. They approve 6/15-6/18 on 6/15, the day that I’m leaving, but reject 6/19 on 6/15 as well. I had already left for…

Posting this on behalf of someone else:

I currently work in a hospital in Texas as a technician. We recently got a new boss, and it is impossible to take days off. One example is that in May, I requested some days off for a vacation (Thursday – Tuesday) in June. I found someone to cover my shifts, but they never approved my vacation in our platform until the day of the vacation. Then, the person that covered for me on one of the days I took PTO had something come up and backed out, so they approved two days on the day that I was supposed to have vacation and rejected the last day. (I.e. Requested vacation 5/5 for trip 6/15 – 6/20, found someone to cover. They approve 6/15-6/18 on 6/15, the day that I’m leaving, but reject 6/19 on 6/15 as well. I had already left for my vacation at this point.) is this legal? Do I have options?

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