
In the name of Expanding Pilot Privileges And Protections, private jets of billionaires will soon be unidentifiable to the public. Priorities.

Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act (H.R.3935) is on track to make it through the House – Transportation and Infrastructure committee. This bill reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through FY2028. Under the very aptly named Subtitle A – Expanding Pilot Privileges And Protections, the following responsibilities are added: FAA is to support process where private aircraft owner can request identifiable data (e.g. registration number) is blocked from any public dissemination or display (Sec. 204 (a)(a)) FAA is to support procedure where the personally identifiable information of an individual shall be withheld from public disclosure on the Civil Aviation Registry website (Sec. 204 (a)(b)) FAA is to accept applications new ICAO Aircraft Identification Codes (Sec. 204 (a)(c)) FAA is has 1 year to come up with plans to decouple a Mode S code with the number assigned to an aircraft, and to enter into an agreement on…

Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act (H.R.3935) is on track to make it through the House – Transportation and Infrastructure committee. This bill reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through FY2028.

Under the very aptly named Subtitle A – Expanding Pilot Privileges And Protections, the following responsibilities are added:

  • FAA is to support process where private aircraft owner can request identifiable data (e.g. registration number) is blocked from any public dissemination or display (Sec. 204 (a)(a))
  • FAA is to support procedure where the personally identifiable information of an individual shall be withheld from public disclosure on the Civil Aviation Registry website (Sec. 204 (a)(b))
  • FAA is to accept applications new ICAO Aircraft Identification Codes (Sec. 204 (a)(c))
  • FAA is has 1 year to come up with plans to decouple a Mode S code with the number assigned to an aircraft, and to enter into an agreement on studying encrypting ADS–B signals. (Sec. 204 (a)(d), (b)(1))

Benefits for the top 1% under the guise of personal freedom. If Congress can close jet tracking loopholes used on billionaires, why can't they close the tax loopholes abused by billionaires?

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