
I’m having a bad day and it’s been bad since then.

Ok. I had a fender bender in a company box truck. I was done with my route and me and a trainee was heading back to the branch. We were estimated to return back at 2:27pm. We did good for the day. We ended up waiting in traffic at the light (long ass traffic) and I had my foot on the breaks. I ended up dozing off waiting for the traffic to move. I ended up having the truck roll bump into a car up in front after my coworker alerted me. I did the whole procedure and after all of that…I realized that this job is not guaranteed for me. Now the job I work is boots on the ground delivery and merchandising. I’m flat salary and it takes longer to finish when you do all the stores by yourself. Plus I’m spread out in the countryside. So longer…

Ok. I had a fender bender in a company box truck. I was done with my route and me and a trainee was heading back to the branch. We were estimated to return back at 2:27pm. We did good for the day.

We ended up waiting in traffic at the light (long ass traffic) and I had my foot on the breaks. I ended up dozing off waiting for the traffic to move. I ended up having the truck roll bump into a car up in front after my coworker alerted me. I did the whole procedure and after all of that…I realized that this job is not guaranteed for me.

Now the job I work is boots on the ground delivery and merchandising. I’m flat salary and it takes longer to finish when you do all the stores by yourself. Plus I’m spread out in the countryside. So longer travel and physical excursions.

I end up coming back late then usual. We start at 5am. So whenever you’re finish is based on the progress of “which store has it’s shit together?” kind of day. I tend to work passed 12hrs. 14 or 15 which is ridiculous because even so. This is where the problem kicks in. I get home later then usual and I end up having to get home, fix something to eat, wash up, brush teeth and get to bed. Wake up at 4am and have to be there before 5am. Clock in and grab the equipment needed to do the job. Get fuel and drive off on a 38 to 40 minute drive. Exhausted from the day before and the day before and so on. And only 2 days off (On my day off on Saturday I slept for 13hrs). This country has no problem working you to death and depriving you of your social responsibility. Then wonder why those who quit and cut ties with being loyal to a company.

P.S. it’s a flat salary and overtime is Chinese. Look up Overtime vs Chinese overtime.

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