
Encouragement post!

Maybe this doesn’t fit the subreddit, but I thought I’d provide a positive work story in hopes that it encourages someone. I’ve worked full-time tech jobs ever since I was 16. I’ve never really enjoyed any of them, and at times have felt overwhelmed, overworked, under-appreciated, and exhausted. I finally decided “screw this! I’m going to do what I love!” In my case, what I love is audio in entertainment. I decided to bite the bullet, pay for some schooling with what I saved up + some loans, and three years later I’m now starting to get freelance gigs as a post production sound designer. For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I LOVE my work. I’m so excited to work, and collaborate with other artists. All this to say – it’s not impossible to make money doing what you love, and I truly encourage you…

Maybe this doesn’t fit the subreddit, but I thought I’d provide a positive work story in hopes that it encourages someone.

I’ve worked full-time tech jobs ever since I was 16. I’ve never really enjoyed any of them, and at times have felt overwhelmed, overworked, under-appreciated, and exhausted.

I finally decided “screw this! I’m going to do what I love!” In my case, what I love is audio in entertainment. I decided to bite the bullet, pay for some schooling with what I saved up + some loans, and three years later I’m now starting to get freelance gigs as a post production sound designer.

For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I LOVE my work. I’m so excited to work, and collaborate with other artists.

All this to say – it’s not impossible to make money doing what you love, and I truly encourage you all to take the time to invest in yourself by giving it an honest try. This work-based system is broken, so let’s make it work in our favor.

Anyway, much love, good luck!

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