
What’s the worst / most useless feedback you’ve received at work?

Two spring to mind for me. I was once told by my manager in a performance review that I walk too slowly. This was in an office, walking had no relevance to my role which was technical support but I would walk around from team to team to go and help people who had questions if it was easier to show them in person than by email / call. Bizarrely enough I’m one of those fast walkers (drives my wife mad), I’ve no idea what kind of pace I was using in the office but I doubt it was slow. Instead of pushing back, and probing into what exactly the issue was (if I was walking slowly what impact was that having on me / others?) I just gave an excuse that, as people would regularly stop and ask me questions as I walk around doing my job, or even…

Two spring to mind for me.

I was once told by my manager in a performance review that I walk too slowly. This was in an office, walking had no relevance to my role which was technical support but I would walk around from team to team to go and help people who had questions if it was easier to show them in person than by email / call.

Bizarrely enough I’m one of those fast walkers (drives my wife mad), I’ve no idea what kind of pace I was using in the office but I doubt it was slow.

Instead of pushing back, and probing into what exactly the issue was (if I was walking slowly what impact was that having on me / others?) I just gave an excuse that, as people would regularly stop and ask me questions as I walk around doing my job, or even going to the kitchen / toilet or leaving for the day, I didn’t want to be seen as avoiding them by rushing past. He accepted that and it was never mentioned again. Odd.

The other was years later, different role / manager, giving feedback on a complex document I was drafting to get a legal view on an issue. They take weeks (even years in one case) to complete as there’s so much detail to include. As I work I leave myself comments with reminders for myself to look up / check things, add or edit certain things later etc.

I use a red X to mark areas still to be completed / confirmed, like who the template is going to and the date it is being issued (which, as mentioned, could be weeks in the future so no point filling it in now). One of my manager’s comments was “You need to put a date in there”.

Thanks for pointing that out, I thought a red X was the date, how foolish of me. Awful woman (that was a very minor thing compared to the other stuff she pulled with me, but it stands out as incredibly useless feedback).

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