
I start my job tomorrow. I’m scared

I used to work as a waitress when I was 15. I was hired on the spot, my colleagues were all adults (many from the same family), foreign so didn’t speak English (those who did were very broken. My boss did speak English though.), paid minimum wage, the work environment was small so I was scared because my boss could always see me and there was only one other woman there- and she didn’t turn up often at all. I was the only waitress most of the time. I dealt with it as it was only 4 hours a week. Now I am 16, and I start my new job tomorrow. It is at a pharmacy but I’m scared because I see similarities to my last job expect I’m doing 12 hours a week now. I understand this isn’t much but it feels like a lot to inexperienced me. Like…

I used to work as a waitress when I was 15. I was hired on the spot, my colleagues were all adults (many from the same family), foreign so didn’t speak English (those who did were very broken. My boss did speak English though.), paid minimum wage, the work environment was small so I was scared because my boss could always see me and there was only one other woman there- and she didn’t turn up often at all. I was the only waitress most of the time. I dealt with it as it was only 4 hours a week.

Now I am 16, and I start my new job tomorrow. It is at a pharmacy but I’m scared because I see similarities to my last job expect I’m doing 12 hours a week now. I understand this isn’t much but it feels like a lot to inexperienced me. Like last time, I was hired on the spot, im not sure if they all speak English since many workers there seem foreign (sorry if that comes across rudely), the environment is smallish. I guess I’m just nervous to redo what my old job was like. I was nervous before every shift so much it almost made the money not worth it. I just hope this job isn’t like that. I overheard the manager on the phone complain that I wasn’t doing 4 a levels and that I wasn’t doing chemistry a level. I haven’t even started college, I’ve just finished my GCSES. I’m doing biology, maths and psychology at a level. So I guess the boss already doesn’t like me. Also like no one does 4 a levels. Oh and he won’t tell me my pay until after my first day.

So does anyone have advice for my first day? I’m scared of being taken advantage of but I also don’t want to come across rudely or stand up for myself when I don’t need to.

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