
Why is it cigarette smokers get unlimited breaks

Everywhere I've ever worked except 1 place seems to not give a fuck about smokers stepping outside to waste 5 mins. Let's just say you smoke 3 cigarettes a shift that's 15 mins or another full break. I don't smoke I used to occasionally smoke cigs but let's say conservatively in 8hr someone smokes 4 cigs 20 extra mins plus the time included to walk back and forth outside. Yet if I were to go in the breakroom for that long or spend 90 seconds looking for a song on my phone im talked to. Why can't I go outside for a breather of fresh air that often. Its just fucking dumb man and when I did smoke I picked it up because where I worked didn't allow clocked out lunches or breaks hella illegal I know.

Everywhere I've ever worked except 1 place seems to not give a fuck about smokers stepping outside to waste 5 mins. Let's just say you smoke 3 cigarettes a shift that's 15 mins or another full break. I don't smoke I used to occasionally smoke cigs but let's say conservatively in 8hr someone smokes 4 cigs 20 extra mins plus the time included to walk back and forth outside. Yet if I were to go in the breakroom for that long or spend 90 seconds looking for a song on my phone im talked to. Why can't I go outside for a breather of fresh air that often. Its just fucking dumb man and when I did smoke I picked it up because where I worked didn't allow clocked out lunches or breaks hella illegal I know.

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