
Working with a boomer boss as a Gen Z :(

I recently made a job switch to work at a university and oh do I regret it. I have a boomer boss and we will never see eye to eye. Being at a university, you really don't get paid enough to care and with tenure, it's so hard to remove bad employees and my boss is one of them. She is beyond retirement age and still wants to work as a manager. She keeps forgetting things and writes harassing emails to me and wants to be CC'd on all emails I send. If I don't complete her dumb tasks in a day, she would send me 10 emails regarding it. She is not competent to do this role at all, asking her questions will only get you more confused. She is always right and you are always wrong basically. If I try to reach out to other departments or senior…

I recently made a job switch to work at a university and oh do I regret it. I have a boomer boss and we will never see eye to eye. Being at a university, you really don't get paid enough to care and with tenure, it's so hard to remove bad employees and my boss is one of them.

She is beyond retirement age and still wants to work as a manager. She keeps forgetting things and writes harassing emails to me and wants to be CC'd on all emails I send. If I don't complete her dumb tasks in a day, she would send me 10 emails regarding it. She is not competent to do this role at all, asking her questions will only get you more confused. She is always right and you are always wrong basically. If I try to reach out to other departments or senior management, she is not supportive because according to her it is my job to research and figure it out on my own and not disturb them as they are working on better things. Well, Brittany, you would rather have me work with incorrect information and set me up for failure than sending a stupid email to them to ask it. The whole university system is terrible. I have received the rudest emails since i've joined because people in senior management can just get away with it. I'm applying for jobs again because I will get a brain aneurysm if I work with her any longer. Her lack of attention, incompetency and rudeness is awful. To make things even better, I'm only surrounded by boomers on my team who have the same work ideals.

Last week, she sent me an email that basically complained how I did not CC her on this email, which I did lmao and I sent it to her back, no response. We work in finance and she has made such terrible mistakes but if you point it out to her, it will get fired back at you. The previous two people in my role left within 6 months and switched to a different department, after completing probation. We recently lost another co worker within a year on the team. I just wanted to rant because I'm so annoyed and done. I detest the boomer work culture.

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