
Every small business owner is the same

I work for a small contractor. I was his first employee and I've been more than loyal to him. Even as I got offers for better jobs. I recently got injured at work and it required a workman comp claim. I was taken to the ER after cutting my arm open. I kept almost fainting at the sight of it. EMTs even said that with how I looked I shouldn't be working or moving at all. Now my boss is very upset with me. He's complaining about how his premiums would go up. That's part of owning a business, things like this could happen. Now he won't answer my calls or acknowledge my text messages. He'll answer my coworkers though. I thought he was cool but his true colors really have shown now. He told me that when I started that if I stick with him I'll get a piece…

I work for a small contractor. I was his first employee and I've been more than loyal to him. Even as I got offers for better jobs.

I recently got injured at work and it required a workman comp claim. I was taken to the ER after cutting my arm open. I kept almost fainting at the sight of it. EMTs even said that with how I looked I shouldn't be working or moving at all.

Now my boss is very upset with me. He's complaining about how his premiums would go up. That's part of owning a business, things like this could happen. Now he won't answer my calls or acknowledge my text messages. He'll answer my coworkers though.

I thought he was cool but his true colors really have shown now. He told me that when I started that if I stick with him I'll get a piece of the pie. That was a total lie, he's keeping it all for himself. The others are seeing it now too. He's complaining about having to pay things now, but he takes off all the time and buys new toys.

Sorry for the rant. I'm definitely stuck with this guy until I get my license or until he finds some bs reason to fire me.

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