
I’ve been going to interviews with no intent of getting the job

I've went to a couple interviews now that are advertised terribly. Low wages, “wear many hats” type stuff. One was for a bus monitor that paid 9.25/hr for a part time gig. Went to the interview and the lady was 35mins late, wearing leggings and a t-shirt and just gave me the feeling that she wasnt the person that was supposed to be interviewingme. I tell her my experience and say I'm looking for part-time work to go along side my other job. (This is a lie, and my current job is full time) she then goes on to say that while it's advertised as part-time the actual job is literally 39hrs a week. Mon-thurs 5am to 1pm then 5am to 12 on Friday. This next part is why I love doing this. I go on to say that this is falsly advertised as a part time job. This is…

I've went to a couple interviews now that are advertised terribly. Low wages, “wear many hats” type stuff. One was for a bus monitor that paid 9.25/hr for a part time gig. Went to the interview and the lady was 35mins late, wearing leggings and a t-shirt and just gave me the feeling that she wasnt the person that was supposed to be interviewingme. I tell her my experience and say I'm looking for part-time work to go along side my other job. (This is a lie, and my current job is full time) she then goes on to say that while it's advertised as part-time the actual job is literally 39hrs a week. Mon-thurs 5am to 1pm then 5am to 12 on Friday. This next part is why I love doing this. I go on to say that this is falsly advertised as a part time job. This is a full time job with no benefits and I told her I can tell this job is going to extort me just like it's extorting her and if she was any wiser she would quit. She said she's fed up with the management and she is another bus monitor that was told to do this interview because the boss was at lunch and couldn't do it. (Mind you this interview time was given to me by said boss so if they wanted to have their lunch they could have scheduled for another time) I let my secret slip on purpose and her and I sat in the office and ran on and on about jobs like this and she said she was going to quit as soon as they pick “another sorry SOB that needs a job more than a life” it turned out she had a bachelor's degree in computer science and had offers for actual full time jobs with benefits. She wanted to get into special needs student care and thought bus monitoring would help her work up, but the way she's been treated especially after covid is unacceptable and they're way way understaffed so much where she was working 50hrs a week but urged to only log 39 on the dot. This is the worst example I've seen yet, but this was only my 5th fake interview so I'm sure there's way worse. 9.25/hr plus some good ol corporate nonsense, no wonder they're understaffed and the turn over rate is about a month. “No one wants to work these days”

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