
Company decided they didn’t need me after all

This happened a couple years ago now. I got hired by a smaller company to do reception work full-time, left my former job and got started there, stopped looking for other positions. I worked there for about a month when I got pulled into the back office. The boss told me they were just going to completely remove the role I was hired for and add my work to what another employee was doing. Told me I could go home that same day, but I had done “fantastic work” so they’d be happy to be listed as a reference for my job search. Drove home sobbing, I eventually made it work and got picked up by another company pretty quickly but it’s still such bullshit that companies can hire you and then just leave you SOL with a smile on their face saying they loved your work.

This happened a couple years ago now. I got hired by a smaller company to do reception work full-time, left my former job and got started there, stopped looking for other positions.

I worked there for about a month when I got pulled into the back office. The boss told me they were just going to completely remove the role I was hired for and add my work to what another employee was doing. Told me I could go home that same day, but I had done “fantastic work” so they’d be happy to be listed as a reference for my job search.

Drove home sobbing, I eventually made it work and got picked up by another company pretty quickly but it’s still such bullshit that companies can hire you and then just leave you SOL with a smile on their face saying they loved your work.

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