
Got let go from a job a month and a half after I started

This is going to be a long one, but it will feel good to get it off my chest and hear what advice people have to give. Please don’t come down on me as I am being as fair as possible to all involved and I’m already beating myself up about it. I am relatively young (25) and graduated with a degree in finance and a minor in math. I have had an interesting work history, I started off interning for a healthcare company (unpaid, in the accounting department) followed by another unpaid internship at a large manufacturing company. I then got a job as a junior developer at a chess website (I know it’s weird) and worked that job until I graduated in December of 2021. I then got a job as an accountant at a metals processing company, and worked that job until July of 2022. I har…

This is going to be a long one, but it will feel good to get it off my chest and hear what advice people have to give. Please don’t come down on me as I am being as fair as possible to all involved and I’m already beating myself up about it.

I am relatively young (25) and graduated with a degree in finance and a minor in math. I have had an interesting work history, I started off interning for a healthcare company (unpaid, in the accounting department) followed by another unpaid internship at a large manufacturing company. I then got a job as a junior developer at a chess website (I know it’s weird) and worked that job until I graduated in December of 2021. I then got a job as an accountant at a metals processing company, and worked that job until July of 2022. I har to move back home to help care for my mom who had a bad work accident and couldn’t care for my younger siblings, so I took care of them for a few months while working part time at a gas station. In June of this year I decided to dust off the resume and reenter the job market and landed a good paying position at a manufacturing company here in my home city.

I had an interview with the controller for the department, and everything went well. She thought I was a great match for the company and was willing to overlook my resume gap. I accepted the offer and everything went great for about two weeks. Then, I noticed all of the classic signs of things going poorly at a job. I wasn’t being trained properly, I was given large projects to complete with inadequate guidance and training, and I was being called into the office to be “coached” on things that I could not have known I was doing wrong because no one would communicate with me. My boss felt cold and distant, and verbalized on several occasions that she thought I did not understand how to use an accounting software that I had used previously in one of my internships. I did my best to right the ship and move in a better direction, but it seemed that nothing I did helped and the situation kept deteriorating. This past Friday, they called me into the office with a representative from HR and terminated me. The reason they have was that I “didn’t understand how to use sage and I would be too time consuming to train”.

I feel that I am likable and good with people, and I always do my best to be courteous and honest with people, ask for help when I need it, take on extra responsibilities, and be a good employee. I do not understand how I could have fallen on my face despite putting my best foot forward and doing my absolute best. I don’t understand why I never even got the chance to learn and grow in the role, and I feel like I was set up for failure from day 1 and I don’t understand why. I have never been let go from a job so unceremoniously and so soon after being hired. I feel like the reason they gave was nonsense and that there was a deeper issue at play that I didn’t pick up on.

I’d be happy to answer any questions in the comments that would help people give me the best advice possible. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about this, and I wish it wasn’t this way. I know I shouldn’t care so much but I slept maybe two hours last night because my soul just hurt. My confidence is just shattered. I just feel like there’s something wrong with me that I’m not aware of.

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