
Need to rant about this

I interviewed for a job last week and was asked to come in for a trial shift. Normally trial shifts put me off but I was convinced I had the job because the manager added me to the work group chat welcoming me to everyone. So I come in for my trial shift. Turns out there’s multiple other new starts along with me. All goes well and I’m really getting along with the other workers. So I finished this shift but have no idea when I’m back in. I text the manager asking when my next shift is and he gives me another for the following week. I complete this and again, I ask him (in person) when my next shift is and he says he will work out the rota and text me. A couple days go by and I’m getting annoyed that I have to ask him again.…

I interviewed for a job last week and was asked to come in for a trial shift. Normally trial shifts put me off but I was convinced I had the job because the manager added me to the work group chat welcoming me to everyone.
So I come in for my trial shift. Turns out there’s multiple other new starts along with me. All goes well and I’m really getting along with the other workers. So I finished this shift but have no idea when I’m back in. I text the manager asking when my next shift is and he gives me another for the following week. I complete this and again, I ask him (in person) when my next shift is and he says he will work out the rota and text me.
A couple days go by and I’m getting annoyed that I have to ask him again. I text him asking if he has sorted out the rota and he replies with a long text summarising that I’m “Unfortunately not selected for the job” blah blah and I’m removed from the work group chat. I’m so shocked because everything went so well and there were no problems. I had no idea my second shift was still a trial. I completed TEN hours in total and it turned out to be a trial???!
So a week of my life has been wasted when I could have used it to search for jobs. I’m so angry because it was not clear at all that my second shift was a “trial”. I sent a long message saying how everything was handled extremely unprofessionally and his response was basically just gaslighting me by saying that he explained that it all was trialling. (It was not clear at all). I had to communicate mostly in text because he was barely there in person.
Let’s just say I shed a lot of angry tears and had to go in the next day to collect my money for my hours worked (I earned £110 but he only paid me £90). It was embarrassing because other new colleagues were looking at me confused as to why I wasn’t staying.
I’m 100% convinced he hired too many people and had to backpedal. I’m so sick of companies treating workers like scum.

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