
I work at a call center and I got crappy scores on my quality this month for trying to train a rep correctly. Am I overreacting?

As the title says…I had to train a few reps and had to put callers on hold during the call to explain things and train them properly. I received my scores this month and she failed me on every single call but one for hold times, not taking into consideration that I was TRAINING. I penned up a email to my supervisor and the person who grades calls. Please let me know if it’s too much or if I need to fix it in anyway. Thinking about taking out the part where I mention other people, but I’m kind of sick of walking on eggshells at this point. Hi Tammie, After reviewing my call quality for the month of June, I do not agree with some of the scores and general feedback that I have received. One of the comments that I received on my report was that I placed…

As the title says…I had to train a few reps and had to put callers on hold during the call to explain things and train them properly.

I received my scores this month and she failed me on every single call but one for hold times, not taking into consideration that I was TRAINING.

I penned up a email to my supervisor and the person who grades calls. Please let me know if it’s too much or if I need to fix it in anyway. Thinking about taking out the part where I mention other people, but I’m kind of sick of walking on eggshells at this point.

Hi Tammie,

After reviewing my call quality for the month of June, I do not agree with some of the scores and general feedback that I have received. One of the comments that I received on my report was that I placed callers on hold for extended periods of time.

Most of the calls that were graded are calls that I took while training the new reps. During my hold times, I would use that time to explain information, answer questions, and ensure they understood the steps that I took while researching information. Many of the new reps have told me that they have been trained by other reps who would not speak to them while training. I wanted to make sure that I did not take this approach and I was more interactive with the new reps as they we’re learning the material.

I do not think that it is fair to use calls from training sessions and grade them towards my personal performance quality.

Although I very much appreciate that I was chosen to be involved in training this new group and very much enjoyed the experience, if my call quality is going to be affected by being involved in trainings, and if this is not something that is going to be considered when calls are being reviewed by Allison , then moving forward I respectfully ask not to be involved in any future trainings for new employees. I look forward to speaking more about this at our monthly review meeting

Is it to abrasive? Please let me know. I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot but I am also fed up with these people.

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