
Consultant without data experience is our Interim Data Director

I'm so frustrated. I work at a non-profit with about 500 total employees and a short-staffed Data team. I have a coworker who essentially does the same things as me. We are both angry. Our morale is now at an all-time low. TL;DR – Our current Data team leadership doesn't know basic data principles and doesn't care about us. The much longer story – About two years ago, our previous manager became Acting Director for about 1 year, and he left because the non-profit decided to hire a consultant with no data experience. I didn't like the previous manager much. He was the type of guy who “never took a sick day” and did not help develop our professional skills, but at least he knew how to pull data. Then comes in a more charismatic consultant with no data experience. He has admitted he has an English degree so is…

I'm so frustrated.

I work at a non-profit with about 500 total employees and a short-staffed Data team. I have a coworker who essentially does the same things as me. We are both angry. Our morale is now at an all-time low.

TL;DR – Our current Data team leadership doesn't know basic data principles and doesn't care about us.

The much longer story – About two years ago, our previous manager became Acting Director for about 1 year, and he left because the non-profit decided to hire a consultant with no data experience. I didn't like the previous manager much. He was the type of guy who “never took a sick day” and did not help develop our professional skills, but at least he knew how to pull data.

Then comes in a more charismatic consultant with no data experience. He has admitted he has an English degree so is unable to help my coworker (D) and I.

A few months passed since the previous manager left, and we started interviewing for a new Data Manager. The purpose of the new position is to “manage” D and I, and present to Senior Leadership. Despite D and I analyzing the data for a few years here already, we were not given the opportunity to check the interview candidates work. As stated earlier, the Consultant does not have the ability to analyze data, yet he is the one who picks the new Manager.

New Manager has been here for about 6 months. With almost any “experienced” data role, it's alright to ask questions if there was an attempt to at least get familiar with the databases first. However, even after being here for 6 months, he does not know how to pull data correctly. For example, he asked why the database was pulling so few data when he didn't pull in every field that is needed. He had wanted to pull the amount of clients, yet only pulled in programs and not client ID. D and I frequently find ourselves answering very basic questions and repeat questions. We are confident that the data our new Manager is presenting to Senior Leadership is inaccurate. We told the consultant about this, and our concern is dismissed.

We are also concerned about our lack of growth here and empty promises. We have made known that we would like to take on more interesting projects. The stuff we are currently doing is tedious and not using our full potential. Consultant decides to split the team, which means D and I will be transitioned over to another team doing the same boring work.

Just recently, a Senior Data Analyst position was open. This position stays under the current team doing the interesting projects D and I have wanted to do. I asked the new Manager and Consultant what they were looking for in this higher level position. They state “comfortable speaking with data”. D and I are not considered Senior level, yet most of the people we talk about data with are Seniors, Directors, and sometimes Vice Presidents. They went ahead and hired someone from Google instead of promoting internally because they are fine with D and I being stuck doing tedious work. Now, they expect us to train this new Senior Analyst.

D and I have been applying to jobs now, and are waiting to hear back.

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