
New boss said nothing on my last day

I’d been working at my job for three years. I’d grown and worked really hard, sacrificing time with my young children. A few month ago we got a new boss from corporate. She is a literal cunt. Cutting everyone’s hours, playing favorites, doing shady things, only caring about money, awful. I got my hours cut to where I had to pick up a second job to support said family. When she caught wind of this, she “stopped scheduling me”. When I asked if I was being fired, she said no. She said she’d hired my replacement already – yet the replacements she’s been hiring are making significantly less per hour than my ex-coworkers, fwiw. Um what? Today was my last day and while my other coworkers and supervisors gave me gifts, hugged me and thanked me for all I’ve done, she LEFT WITHOUT A WORD. Fuck corporate.

I’d been working at my job for three years. I’d grown and worked really hard, sacrificing time with my young children. A few month ago we got a new boss from corporate. She is a literal cunt. Cutting everyone’s hours, playing favorites, doing shady things, only caring about money, awful. I got my hours cut to where I had to pick up a second job to support said family. When she caught wind of this, she “stopped scheduling me”. When I asked if I was being fired, she said no. She said she’d hired my replacement already – yet the replacements she’s been hiring are making significantly less per hour than my ex-coworkers, fwiw. Um what?
Today was my last day and while my other coworkers and supervisors gave me gifts, hugged me and thanked me for all I’ve done, she LEFT WITHOUT A WORD.
Fuck corporate.

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