
Job is psychologically and physically killing me.

I’m working a job and I’m worried I’m going to die at it or do something drastic due to the psychological stress. It’s a temporary position, and I’m being paid minimum wage for 40 hours a week of work, even though I’m working in the 70-hour range (so I’m not paid for 30+ hrs of my work). It’s standard of my industry and I’m constantly being told how lucky I am because most starter jobs for this industry don’t pay, but I’m financially independent and can’t work for free. I have about a month left and I’m not sure if I can keep going. Not only is the work schedule drastic, it’s manual labor and incredibly dangerous. My employer is constantly disregarding legal safety measures, but again, it’s pretty standard in this industry and speaking out against this would destroy my career. There have been many close calls, which I…

I’m working a job and I’m worried I’m going to die at it or do something drastic due to the psychological stress. It’s a temporary position, and I’m being paid minimum wage for 40 hours a week of work, even though I’m working in the 70-hour range (so I’m not paid for 30+ hrs of my work). It’s standard of my industry and I’m constantly being told how lucky I am because most starter jobs for this industry don’t pay, but I’m financially independent and can’t work for free. I have about a month left and I’m not sure if I can keep going.

Not only is the work schedule drastic, it’s manual labor and incredibly dangerous. My employer is constantly disregarding legal safety measures, but again, it’s pretty standard in this industry and speaking out against this would destroy my career. There have been many close calls, which I can’t elaborate on to protect my anonymity but I’ve genuinely thought myself/others may not survive. Which seems a little crazy for being paid less than minimum wage.

This week, I stopped sleeping and eating. I can’t sleep more than a couple hours per night due to the anxiety (I’ve never had anxiety before) and I just lost desire to eat which I assume is also due to the stress. The trouble is I’m burning near 3,000 calories a day, so I’m trying to just force down protein drinks. This is supposed to be a sought-after starter job, but I genuinely preferred when I was working as a waitress. I don’t know what I can do, because to quit or speak out would end my career before it’s even really started. But I’m worried if I continue I may not survive or that I’ll endure permanent psychological damage. Any tips?

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