
Company “forgot” to give me a raise. Do I have a leg to stand on for reimbursement?

“Raise” is generous. I found out about a month into my new job I was making $1 an hour less than other new employees (I overheard a phone call between my ASM and GM about new hires). When I told my ASM this, she was shocked and told my GM, who then told me she would give me a “raise”, and acted like she was doing me a big favor. This was 3 weeks ago, a week before our pay day. She said it might not kick in for the fkrst check, but by the next one (yesterday) it would definitely be kicked in. Well, I got my paycheck yesterday and it was $40 less than I thought it would be. I log into my employee portal to see my pay rate and it's still the lower, original wage. I spoke to my GM and she said she'll “have a…

“Raise” is generous. I found out about a month into my new job I was making $1 an hour less than other new employees (I overheard a phone call between my ASM and GM about new hires). When I told my ASM this, she was shocked and told my GM, who then told me she would give me a “raise”, and acted like she was doing me a big favor. This was 3 weeks ago, a week before our pay day. She said it might not kick in for the fkrst check, but by the next one (yesterday) it would definitely be kicked in.

Well, I got my paycheck yesterday and it was $40 less than I thought it would be. I log into my employee portal to see my pay rate and it's still the lower, original wage.

I spoke to my GM and she said she'll “have a talk” with the distract manager. But that was it.

Do I have grounds to be reimbursed? I was never actually told in writing about this raise, so I don't know what leg I have to stand on. But I feel like it's unfair I was shorted $40. That's a tank and a half of gas or a week of groceries for me. So what can I do?

Also, I know many will say “just quit”, but that doesn't really make sense for me. This is a summer job for me, and I go back to school in 4 weeks where I work a different job. Trying to find a 2nd summer job which I would work st for maybe a week or two just isn't practical. And even with the lower pay rate I'm making $2-$4 dollars more an hour than most places pay

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