
College grad with Entry level job

I graduated about a year ago and currently been working in a pretty big Aerospace/Defense company as an engineer the last couple months. And I am already drained, the biggest reason being that I commute pretty far. An hour and a 20-30 mins in the morning when the roads are clearer, and up to 2 to 2 and a half hours going home when the roads aren’t so nice. Part of my reasons for not considering moving is well the area isn’t really my vibe, rather stay closer to family and my girlfriend, as well as I wouldn’t find the company to be somewhere I spend long term within my career. It’s a company known for having high turnover rates, dated management (granted they’re making the steps to improve), and such. If anyone knows about this industry I’m sure I have enough info to guess what this company may be.…

I graduated about a year ago and currently been working in a pretty big Aerospace/Defense company as an engineer the last couple months. And I am already drained, the biggest reason being that I commute pretty far. An hour and a 20-30 mins in the morning when the roads are clearer, and up to 2 to 2 and a half hours going home when the roads aren’t so nice. Part of my reasons for not considering moving is well the area isn’t really my vibe, rather stay closer to family and my girlfriend, as well as I wouldn’t find the company to be somewhere I spend long term within my career. It’s a company known for having high turnover rates, dated management (granted they’re making the steps to improve), and such. If anyone knows about this industry I’m sure I have enough info to guess what this company may be. But any advice? From waking up at 4:30 AM to commuting to hit work at 7am 5 days a week, it’s kind of rough, especially since I value a decent work life balance. Something that’s really tough to manage when commuting and work makes up about 12 hours of my day? Keeping in mind after a couple months I can start 1-2 days of remote work potentially, do I ride it out and suck it up in the long run and gain the experience to find something better or start searching.

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