
How do you keep motivated at your job when you are on the look for a new one? (f24)

i'm struggling to keep up with work and feeling any sort of motivation at all now that i have moved into the next-job searching phase. my company has been paying me late consistently for a little over a year ā€” i'm talking, between 10-25 days late every single month with the exception of 2/14 months ive been there. it's a small company, and i love what i do there and the people i work directly with on a day to day basis and truly believed the company could grow into something great and i was eager to be a part of that growth (hence why i've held on this long). but, it recently came to light that this isn't just happening with my paycheck like they've been telling me, but rather every single employee that is there and every employee i've talked to who has since left. on top of…

i'm struggling to keep up with work and feeling any sort of motivation at all now that i have moved into the next-job searching phase.

my company has been paying me late consistently for a little over a year ā€” i'm talking, between 10-25 days late every single month with the exception of 2/14 months ive been there. it's a small company, and i love what i do there and the people i work directly with on a day to day basis and truly believed the company could grow into something great and i was eager to be a part of that growth (hence why i've held on this long). but, it recently came to light that this isn't just happening with my paycheck like they've been telling me, but rather every single employee that is there and every employee i've talked to who has since left. on top of that, there have been a few other shady things that have come to light and my good faith for the company has been completely drained. the paychecks have been getting later and later and later and im just done stressing about my finances, hoping i'll get my paycheck. im done listening to the same excuses every single month. i'm looking for the next place to move on to and am having a hard time not dreading going in every day while i apply, making money for a company that gives excuses every single month and is even behind on delivering the bonus promised to me a few months back.

How do you keep motivated when you've got one foot out the door?? i'm starting to struggle meeting deadlines, struggle with motivation, just everything now that I'm finally recognizing their true colors. i feel like a gullible idiot for sticking it out this long wrapped up in a dream that the company was headed towards great things and high on the excitement of the work i get to do.

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