
Im so tired of people claiming that no one wants to to the “dirty jobs”. Pay me well and I would rather pick fruit all day than sit in the office.

Pay me 20 or 30 Dollars per hour after taxes and I will pick your fruit or do all the “dirty” work rather than sit in the Office. Its that easy. And I have a university degree. We dont need immigrant slaves working for 5 Dollars/hour – we dont need excuses that no one wants to do these jobs. We dont need claims thet the “educated people” dont want to do these jobs. Pay well and ensure a good working environment and you will get thousands of applicants. If I get paid the same amount of money – I would rather do manual labor that sit all day before the PC doing senseless reports and statistics.

Pay me 20 or 30 Dollars per hour after taxes and I will pick your fruit or do all the “dirty” work rather than sit in the Office. Its that easy. And I have a university degree.

We dont need immigrant slaves working for 5 Dollars/hour – we dont need excuses that no one wants to do these jobs. We dont need claims thet the “educated people” dont want to do these jobs. Pay well and ensure a good working environment and you will get thousands of applicants.

If I get paid the same amount of money – I would rather do manual labor that sit all day before the PC doing senseless reports and statistics.

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