
Sick leave denied because Note of Absence was not detailed enough

My wife's work (a major hospital network mind you) denied her 4 days of leave because the note of absence only said “Surgery” as a reason for missing work on the forms they require. They needed it to say “Stomach Surgery” The state of Missouri is a cesspool, and this anti worker sentiment that the red states cling to is maddening. She and her coworkers can't touch, and haven't been able to touch their “Sick pay” (Seperate from Paid Time Off) because of crap like this. So now, she MUST use all possible PTO to cover for those days. Just infuriating.

My wife's work (a major hospital network mind you) denied her 4 days of leave because the note of absence only said “Surgery” as a reason for missing work on the forms they require. They needed it to say “Stomach Surgery”

The state of Missouri is a cesspool, and this anti worker sentiment that the red states cling to is maddening. She and her coworkers can't touch, and haven't been able to touch their “Sick pay” (Seperate from Paid Time Off) because of crap like this.

So now, she MUST use all possible PTO to cover for those days. Just infuriating.

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