
currently working in the city (1 hour to work, and 1.5 hours going home) and got an email for an interview for a similar job 15 mins away from me

the only problem is the 15 mins away job is not a big worldwide company like the one that i have now. the benefits are good at my current job, but could be better. i just “graduated” this May (i have one more class in the fall then i get my business degree) and i got this current job sometime in april. i like it but the commute can be so stressful and i’m burnt out. having to wake up 2 hours before my actual shift just to drive 10 mins to the train station, pay for parking, then hop on one train just to get to another one. i know people LOVE to work in the city, but not me. i hate people, i hate crowds, i hate loud anything. i could’ve moved but all the reasons i just stated did not convince me AT ALL to move there.…

the only problem is the 15 mins away job is not a big worldwide company like the one that i have now. the benefits are good at my current job, but could be better. i just “graduated” this May (i have one more class in the fall then i get my business degree) and i got this current job sometime in april. i like it but the commute can be so stressful and i’m burnt out. having to wake up 2 hours before my actual shift just to drive 10 mins to the train station, pay for parking, then hop on one train just to get to another one. i know people LOVE to work in the city, but not me. i hate people, i hate crowds, i hate loud anything. i could’ve moved but all the reasons i just stated did not convince me AT ALL to move there. let’s not even talk about the astronomical rent prices even with roommates…

if this new job offers me the same money or more, i will take it. is it stupid if they offer me less money and i take it? i make about 58k right now. thank you!

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