
Boring IT job, low pay, but also low stress and lots of downtime. Is it worth to stay?

It's a tech support/helpdesk job. I've only been here for 6 months, but I feel like I've already learned everything there is to learn. Commute is kinda long (almost 2hrs total) and I can't WFH because “we'll consider it when you're 'fully self sufficient and know everything'. There are a few people who commute more than 3 hours/day and even they work from home only 4-5 days/month. Most of them are fresh grads who never worked before. Before I started this job, I was working in an Amazon FC. I was hoping these 3 things would happen when I started this job: 1.Working from home, 2. Slight pay bump and 3. Not having to get up brutally early in the morning. Unfortunately, none of these things came true. Salary is about the same (base salary is low, but this company pays 20% of my rent and honestly that's the only…

It's a tech support/helpdesk job. I've only been here for 6 months, but I feel like I've already learned everything there is to learn. Commute is kinda long (almost 2hrs total) and I can't WFH because “we'll consider it when you're 'fully self sufficient and know everything'. There are a few people who commute more than 3 hours/day and even they work from home only 4-5 days/month. Most of them are fresh grads who never worked before.

Before I started this job, I was working in an Amazon FC. I was hoping these 3 things would happen when I started this job: 1.Working from home, 2. Slight pay bump and 3. Not having to get up brutally early in the morning.

Unfortunately, none of these things came true. Salary is about the same (base salary is low, but this company pays 20% of my rent and honestly that's the only reason why I'm still here, though that only makes my pay ok-ish)

They advertised this job as 'flexible hours' work, but that's a total lie. It just means you start at 6,7, or 9:30.On the flipside, workload is really low. I do everything that I have to do, which adds up to around 1-3 hours of actual work in a day. I get around 5-10 calls a day, I already know most of the common fixes and the rest is just very obscure stuff, like software I didn't even know existed and on one else uses.

The rest of the time I'm working on my personal projects, learning from Coursera or just browsing reddit. There's also this huge printer (the type that can print 60 pages/minute), so I've been using that to print textbooks in full color lmao. It's not awful here but I don't really see myself staying for more than a year.

In general I feel like this is just not for me, just completely not what I was expecting and not what I want to keep doing. Also I don't really enjoy sitting all day. I was thinking about getting some certs and switching to a completely different field, maybe even teaching English (I'm from EU, non-native)

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