
Companies need to stop creating bullshit fancy job titles

When you're hiring for a mindless data entry position and your employees do not have any prospects of professional advancement, just straight-up call it what it is. Stop using titles like “Data Analyst”, “Junior Data Analyst”, or worse, anything with the word “Executive” in the tile just means that this is an entry-level position. This kind of bullshit creates an illusion for someone who is doing a repetitive and easy-to-replace job-which the company pays so little-thinking that they are a vital link in the whole chain. This stops the employee from learning more or demanding a more livable wage. There's one industry that I think is being honest regarding their job title is hospitality. A supervisor actually supervises and manages employees. A waiter is a waiter, we do not call a waiter a “Supply chain executive specialized in logistics”.

When you're hiring for a mindless data entry position and your employees do not have any prospects of professional advancement, just straight-up call it what it is. Stop using titles like “Data Analyst”, “Junior Data Analyst”, or worse, anything with the word “Executive” in the tile just means that this is an entry-level position.

This kind of bullshit creates an illusion for someone who is doing a repetitive and easy-to-replace job-which the company pays so little-thinking that they are a vital link in the whole chain. This stops the employee from learning more or demanding a more livable wage.

There's one industry that I think is being honest regarding their job title is hospitality. A supervisor actually supervises and manages employees. A waiter is a waiter, we do not call a waiter a “Supply chain executive specialized in logistics”.

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