
Can I Create a Glassdoor Account for my Employer?

I want to make a Glassdoor company page for my company so I can leave them a negative review and hopefully warn new employees before it’s too late and they get stuck here. I’m trying to write a review, but the company isn’t on Glassdoor and it won’t create it when I publish my review. Also, is there a limit to what you can say on your review? I want to mention that the owner is a huge racist, sexist, homophobe, and transphobe but I feel like my review will get reviewed if I mention those things. For example, he once told the company that he met a woman at a work conference that had a perfect voice for phone sex. He also judges interviewees based on how attractive he finds them. I feel like potential new employees should know this stuff.

I want to make a Glassdoor company page for my company so I can leave them a negative review and hopefully warn new employees before it’s too late and they get stuck here. I’m trying to write a review, but the company isn’t on Glassdoor and it won’t create it when I publish my review.

Also, is there a limit to what you can say on your review? I want to mention that the owner is a huge racist, sexist, homophobe, and transphobe but I feel like my review will get reviewed if I mention those things. For example, he once told the company that he met a woman at a work conference that had a perfect voice for phone sex. He also judges interviewees based on how attractive he finds them. I feel like potential new employees should know this stuff.

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