
Just need some advice. Manager threatened poor performance review at my internship

Hello, To start off, I have not enjoyed my summer internship. It’s at a small company and I was thrown in the deep end from the first day. Unfortunately, my manager doesn’t seem to like me, even though I interact with him regularly and try to lighten the mood with jokes. It appears he holds some negative views about Gen Z kids, thinking they’re entitled and self-centered. For instance, when I requested to work later one day due to a dentist appointment, he responded by saying, “You need to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around you.” Since then, I’ve refrained from asking for time off and have even canceled some appointments. With that out of the way, I have still been getting my work done. I’m given many projects to make drafts, do design work, etc. On top of that, I was given my own reverse engineering project for…


To start off, I have not enjoyed my summer internship. It’s at a small company and I was thrown in the deep end from the first day.

Unfortunately, my manager doesn’t seem to like me, even though I interact with him regularly and try to lighten the mood with jokes. It appears he holds some negative views about Gen Z kids, thinking they’re entitled and self-centered. For instance, when I requested to work later one day due to a dentist appointment, he responded by saying, “You need to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around you.” Since then, I’ve refrained from asking for time off and have even canceled some appointments.

With that out of the way, I have still been getting my work done. I’m given many projects to make drafts, do design work, etc. On top of that, I was given my own reverse engineering project for the summer. I have a lot of work to do, and I have only 2 weeks left. I only just started making drafts, so my manager doesn’t think I will finish it and he is not happy. He brought me into his office yesterday and scolded me. I tried to defend myself by saying he’s given me other projects and tasks to work on top of that project so I can’t devote all of my time to it. He didn’t but it. He gave me the world doesn’t revolve around me thing again, and then he said, “You know I get to send a performance review to your professors at school, right? I’m going to send them all emails saying how poorly you did this summer. I’ll even include your dad in on the email since he’s an engineer, then he’ll see that his son isn’t made out for engineering.” After that, I couldn’t do it anymore and walked out of his office and drove home crying.

Now I’m starting to think that I’m not actually made out for engineering. Can he send these performance reviews to my professors? How much could it affect my career? Do I put it on my resume? I want to have it on there since it is good projects, but should I leave it off? What should I do? Any help is appreciated.

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