
Would it be wrong to ask the supervisor to make the schedule?

Context: hierarchy starting from top goes 1) Boss , 2) Supervisor 3)2 leads (1 of them is me) So the supervisor position is new; he just started a couple months ago still learning the ropes. Boss favor the other lead over me and has always had him make the schedule for all the techs including he and myself. He’s Been doing it 3 years now Now… I was once asked if I wanted to take turns making the schedule last year. And I did turn it down cause people are never happy what you do plus I’d rather be on the floor doing physical stuff. And I know it’s it as easy as people think My main problem is the other lead always holds himself up in the training room (a room for everyone) acting like it’s his office acting like he’s constantly making the schedule. He’s not totally lazy…

Context: hierarchy starting from top goes 1) Boss , 2) Supervisor 3)2 leads (1 of them is me)

So the supervisor position is new; he just started a couple months ago still learning the ropes.

Boss favor the other lead over me and has always had him make the schedule for all the techs including he and myself. He’s Been doing it 3 years now

Now… I was once asked if I wanted to take turns making the schedule last year. And I did turn it down cause people are never happy what you do plus I’d rather be on the floor doing physical stuff. And I know it’s it as easy as people think

My main problem is the other lead always holds himself up in the training room (a room for everyone) acting like it’s his office acting like he’s constantly making the schedule. He’s not totally lazy but he’ll come out and do one or 2 things on the floor and be “working” on the schedule all week…funny how he doesn’t assign himself one specific day to work on it each week. Half the time I walk by that room he’s watching football or on twitch.

Sure there are times he’s doing work but It’s just not fair that I’m on the floor actively doing work while he gets to escape into there.

And he and I are equal yet it makes me feel like I’m somehow reporting to him. I promise if they ever try to promote him over me I will quit this job. Like I know he and I have extra duties such as training and whatever the sup and boss assign.

But would it be unreasonable to ask the new supervisor if he can start making our schedule instead since he was specific hired to oversee us?

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