
Am I responsible to find coverage during my vacation?

I have a two-week vacation coming up, and my manager asked me to find someone to cover my shift during that time. Our shifts are 12 hours long, with 4 days off afterward. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody is willing to take on an extra day of work each week to cover for me. Despite the lack of coverage, I've decided to go ahead with my plans since everything has been paid for, and my manager was informed about my vacation back in May. However, I must admit that I am worried about the possibility of him firing me due to the staffing issue. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share any experiences or wisdom you may have on how to handle such a situation. Thank you!

I have a two-week vacation coming up, and my manager asked me to find someone to cover my shift during that time. Our shifts are 12 hours long, with 4 days off afterward. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody is willing to take on an extra day of work each week to cover for me. Despite the lack of coverage, I've decided to go ahead with my plans since everything has been paid for, and my manager was informed about my vacation back in May.

However, I must admit that I am worried about the possibility of him firing me due to the staffing issue. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share any experiences or wisdom you may have on how to handle such a situation. Thank you!

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