
Minimum shift requirements?

Hey y’all, I was wondering if anyone could help me understand the minimum shift requirements in NYS. Back when I worked for a corporate restaurant this used to be a big deal, but as I am now working for a coffee shop I wasn’t sure if this still applied to us. I know the hospitality industry has some other stipulations regarding minimum pay and tipped pay, but as an untipped worker I’m not sure if I’ve been getting ripped off on any shifts less than 4 hours.

Hey y’all, I was wondering if anyone could help me understand the minimum shift requirements in NYS. Back when I worked for a corporate restaurant this used to be a big deal, but as I am now working for a coffee shop I wasn’t sure if this still applied to us.
I know the hospitality industry has some other stipulations regarding minimum pay and tipped pay, but as an untipped worker I’m not sure if I’ve been getting ripped off on any shifts less than 4 hours.

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