
On my first ever extended probation for a job I’ve done for ten years.

Absolutely fuck this shit. I’ve been in project management for ten years. I’ve successfully launched multiple products and spent 2/4 years in my last two roles respectively. Walked into a new company at the start of this year with several other PMs. They stuck me on a team / area of the business I’ve never done. All of my fellow PMs repeatedly tell me they’re glad it wasn’t them because this area of the business looks like hell. I’m now in extended probation. The feedback has been ridiculous to the point of being hilarious. For example, I sometimes, rarely, ask somebody to repeat a question in a meeting because I’m having to field high urgency messages from senior stakeholders mid-meeting and miss a line of speech so that I can reply. Meanwhile, my manager was pretty much no contact my entire probation period, before it was extended, and didn’t tell…

Absolutely fuck this shit. I’ve been in project management for ten years. I’ve successfully launched multiple products and spent 2/4 years in my last two roles respectively.

Walked into a new company at the start of this year with several other PMs. They stuck me on a team / area of the business I’ve never done. All of my fellow PMs repeatedly tell me they’re glad it wasn’t them because this area of the business looks like hell.

I’m now in extended probation. The feedback has been ridiculous to the point of being hilarious. For example, I sometimes, rarely, ask somebody to repeat a question in a meeting because I’m having to field high urgency messages from senior stakeholders mid-meeting and miss a line of speech so that I can reply.

Meanwhile, my manager was pretty much no contact my entire probation period, before it was extended, and didn’t tell me she had any concerns.

When I leave this place in a month – because honestly, I’m fairly sure they’re setting me up to fail, and if I’m wrong, I’ll probably leave anyway – I’m going to submit a DSAR just to waste their time. I’m also going to report them to HMRC for mistakenly underreported VAT they’ve been trying to handle. I’m also sending out a group email to an entire business function that doesn’t realise their roles are quietly being sunsetted by year end.

What else can I do to watch them burn? Help me out. I don’t need a reference and won’t be listing them on my CV due to having a contingency.

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