
I keep hearing “young people don’t want to have kids anymore”, “labor force is shrinking”.

We don't want to have kids because we can't afford to. If the govt, companies and policy makers are so worried then here's my suggestion; at birth “they” put in 25k into a general market like the spy for the kid so it has 18 years to compound and grow. Then when the kid is 18, they can take it out and have a solid start on life. Put in stipulations that it can only be used for education, housing and those types of things so the kid doesn't blow it on hookers and well, blow. If I knew that my kid would have a solid start in life and won't have to struggle like I did, I'd be a lot more inclined to consider having one.

We don't want to have kids because we can't afford to. If the govt, companies and policy makers are so worried then here's my suggestion; at birth “they” put in 25k into a general market like the spy for the kid so it has 18 years to compound and grow. Then when the kid is 18, they can take it out and have a solid start on life. Put in stipulations that it can only be used for education, housing and those types of things so the kid doesn't blow it on hookers and well, blow. If I knew that my kid would have a solid start in life and won't have to struggle like I did, I'd be a lot more inclined to consider having one.

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