
Am I entitled/lazy for these feelings? Company culture is questionable.

So I just started working at a super small IT company in nyc, 3 months ago. The company is incredibly small and owned by less than 5 family members. Getting paid 58.5K (minimum salary non exempt for nyc) tho the job posting said 50-55K – I’m happy about it. Hours are 9-530, M-F. I was so happy to land this job and still happy as I’m super young, but the behavior by the CEO & CFO are incredibly questionable. We have employees in the Philippians, and one recently quit for one of our service providers. CFO literally said to me “I thought “bitch you’re a traitor!” When she told me she was resigning” I was so surprised he even said that to me as a new employee. I think they’re using them as cheap labor. CEO & CFO yelling/chewing out employees – new and old. This is the most concerning…

So I just started working at a super small IT company in nyc, 3 months ago. The company is incredibly small and owned by less than 5 family members. Getting paid 58.5K (minimum salary non exempt for nyc) tho the job posting said 50-55K – I’m happy about it. Hours are 9-530, M-F. I was so happy to land this job and still happy as I’m super young, but the behavior by the CEO & CFO are incredibly questionable.

  1. We have employees in the Philippians, and one recently quit for one of our service providers. CFO literally said to me “I thought “bitch you’re a traitor!” When she told me she was resigning” I was so surprised he even said that to me as a new employee. I think they’re using them as cheap labor.

  2. CEO & CFO yelling/chewing out employees – new and old. This is the most concerning to me as they really seem to be ticking time bombs. CEO yelled at older engineer for something she forgot she told him not to worry about, right in front of our service provider. CFO yelled at 35 y/o engineer who has only been in America 2 years & there’s obviously a language barrier at times. Literally said “shut your mouth, who’s the boss?!” Multiple times. Wouldn’t matter if he was young but this engineer is a grown man with a wife and 3 kids. Same CFO from #1.

  3. No WFH. I know a lot of people’s opinion when it comes from WFH, but in this case it really seems unnecessary. We’re leasing a 1000sqft? Maybe 1200? office that has a small conference room, very small storage room but enough space for desks etc.. it’s a little bigger than my 950sqft apartment. The CEO & CFO WFH on Monday and Friday, and sit like 20 feet away from us tues-thurs. I’m working as an AA, so when I have no emails from higher ups I’m bored as fuck. I mean 2-3 hours can pass where I’m trying to look busy as they monitor cams from home. I have an appointment tomorrow and I have to either skip lunch or stay late to makeup the hours from leaving at 3pm instead of after 5. My bf (who is an engineer for a large financial company, was just mandated to start hybrid over remote goes into work whenever and leaves whenever, so his perceptive is biased/skewed) asked me “you can’t just leave early when you’re done working? Really made me think how good of a job I have.

  4. LASTLY, my coworker who is so cool told me I’ll probably get yelled at at some point. He says the bosses have improved a lot, and used to be insane. He’s worked here for a little under 10 years and says people (including family who are working here) have cursed each other out badly. Like every other 20 something in 2023 I have shit anxiety & cannot handle being told off over petty/non important things that don’t deserve disrespect.

I am very early into my career and grateful for a job but I don’t want to over look red flags and get comfortable at a place where I should not.

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