
Boss feels I didn’t do 8 hours of work. With a broken hand.

Yesterday I broke a finger. Middle finger of my dominant hand, and I work as an artist for a smallish company. My hand is also pretty severely bruised, and I've got a fun little splint on two fingers. I wanted to work from home today because of both mental health and my injury, but my Boss very clearly did not want to let me and said I would need to contact HR so they can tell him “what my needs are.” Well in classic HR fashion, they go home at about halfway through the day ((and are the owners daughter so don't even get me started)). So boss relents and let's me work from home today with a list of deliverables that would be difficult to do in an 8 hour work day even if I DIDNT have an injury to my dominant hand, when my job is drawing. And…

Yesterday I broke a finger. Middle finger of my dominant hand, and I work as an artist for a smallish company. My hand is also pretty severely bruised, and I've got a fun little splint on two fingers.

I wanted to work from home today because of both mental health and my injury, but my Boss very clearly did not want to let me and said I would need to contact HR so they can tell him “what my needs are.” Well in classic HR fashion, they go home at about halfway through the day ((and are the owners daughter so don't even get me started)).

So boss relents and let's me work from home today with a list of deliverables that would be difficult to do in an 8 hour work day even if I DIDNT have an injury to my dominant hand, when my job is drawing. And guess what, I couldn't get all of it done. He's upset because he says over our work messenger that he feels like I'm not doing my 8 hours, and I reply that he can't be serious and that we should talk about it tomorrow because this is unreasonable.

I'm angry because I feel as though I'm being intentionally set up to fail. I like my job but my manager is clueless. I feel completely at a loss. I'm not sure if I'm being discriminated against, or if I'm really just slow, but I'm so exhausted. This manager has sucked the joy out of my profession. He's making me hate drawing, and I find myself fantasizing about getting some minor injury to get away from work for a while and turns out even that isn't enough.

I'm contracted so I can't quit or be fired till next year. Unless one of us buys the other out. My job is niche so I don't know what to do.

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