
I want to quit this job

So I’ve been having this job since June. At first everything seemed fine for the first week but by the 2nd-3rd week I started to see why this job isn’t worth the stress and imma list the reasons why. The store manager may seem nice but in reality she’s an asshole. This store manager also hired her “friend” makes her a shift leader and pays her more than anyone else there (this was confirmed by a coworker of mine) There’s been ongoing problems with one of my coworkers and a rehire. The coworker in general told this rehire about some family issues she was going through and the rehire went around telling people that the coworker was a liar about family issues (including the managers “friend”). The store manager got involved but is still having issues. I was promised saturdays off because I sell at farmers markets and stuff like…

So I’ve been having this job since June. At first everything seemed fine for the first week but by the 2nd-3rd week I started to see why this job isn’t worth the stress and imma list the reasons why.

  1. The store manager may seem nice but in reality she’s an asshole. This store manager also hired her “friend” makes her a shift leader and pays her more than anyone else there (this was confirmed by a coworker of mine)

  2. There’s been ongoing problems with one of my coworkers and a rehire. The coworker in general told this rehire about some family issues she was going through and the rehire went around telling people that the coworker was a liar about family issues (including the managers “friend”). The store manager got involved but is still having issues.

  3. I was promised saturdays off because I sell at farmers markets and stuff like that and she said that she would do it but that was all a lie as I told her my availability during the interview.

  4. My hours got severely cut from almost 40 hours a week to now 17 hours a week. This is also happened at an old job where they did the same thing which ended with me quitting.

  5. The sick policy is horrible. I have bronchitis now because 2 coworkers came in sick. Mind you we work with food and beverages.

This company in general is Dunkin which is franchisee owned.

Im actively looking for a better job than this piece of shit company.

End of my rant/vent

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