
Manager Injured Me Intentionally

So I do door to door canvassing. It was near the end of our shift and I finished my neighborhood. I then sat down on the corner to take my 10 min break. During this, my manager pulls up in the van to pick me up, as it was around the time to get picked up and head to the office. I get in the van and he start berating me for sitting down. Says we aren’t allowed to do that, yadada, even tho it was my break. He then proceeds to rev the gas and go full speed over a residential speed bump, I sit in the far back which gets the most motion from bumps (he knows this because I got injured from him going over a train track bump too fast and scraped my elbow), on purpose so I then hit my head on the ceiling. I’m…

So I do door to door canvassing. It was near the end of our shift and I finished my neighborhood. I then sat down on the corner to take my 10 min break. During this, my manager pulls up in the van to pick me up, as it was around the time to get picked up and head to the office. I get in the van and he start berating me for sitting down. Says we aren’t allowed to do that, yadada, even tho it was my break. He then proceeds to rev the gas and go full speed over a residential speed bump, I sit in the far back which gets the most motion from bumps (he knows this because I got injured from him going over a train track bump too fast and scraped my elbow), on purpose so I then hit my head on the ceiling. I’m like wtf why’d you do that??? And he says because I’m sitting on company time. I got injured on my head and he did it on purpose. What are my options?? Can I sue?

tl;dr boss intentionally sped over a speed bump so I could hit my head and get injured.

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