
What Degree is best for an anti capitalist?

I’ve been a stay at home homeschooling mom of 3 for 14 years but it’s gotten to the point where my husbands income can’t support our family anymore. I decided on the quickest path to the most money but as the enrollment deadline approaches… I just can’t. I was going to work on a 2 yr cyber security degree that would bring in an estimated yearly income of 72-76,000 a year. The thing is …I want to make a difference. To help people and contribute. I can’t imagine my future as just another cog in the capitalist machine. I’m torn between practicality and idealism. Any ideas what degree I could go for that would actually enable me to fight capitalism instead of contribute to it?

I’ve been a stay at home homeschooling mom of 3 for 14 years but it’s gotten to the point where my husbands income can’t support our family anymore. I decided on the quickest path to the most money but as the enrollment deadline approaches… I just can’t. I was going to work on a 2 yr cyber security degree that would bring in an estimated yearly income of 72-76,000 a year. The thing is …I want to make a difference. To help people and contribute. I can’t imagine my future as just another cog in the capitalist machine. I’m torn between practicality and idealism. Any ideas what degree I could go for that would actually enable me to fight capitalism instead of contribute to it?

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