
Quitting for my mental health?

I’ve been working at the same major insurance company for almost 5 years. It has a decent benefit package as well as a WFH option. I’ve been working remotely for almost 3 years now. The only issue is, my team is managed incredibly poorly and we are micromanaged to death. It feels like I’m on a sinking ship. My department consists of three different teams, under different managers but all three of them can assign inventory at any time. I normally get an email from all three of them daily, asking me to “prioritize” their inventory first. That is a headache in itself. We are expected to keep up with a lot of information and know how to use multiple systems, but the process changes almost on a monthly basis. They “fix” things that don’t need fixing. I don’t even know how to do my job anymore due to this.…

I’ve been working at the same major insurance company for almost 5 years. It has a decent benefit package as well as a WFH option. I’ve been working remotely for almost 3 years now. The only issue is, my team is managed incredibly poorly and we are micromanaged to death. It feels like I’m on a sinking ship. My department consists of three different teams, under different managers but all three of them can assign inventory at any time. I normally get an email from all three of them daily, asking me to “prioritize” their inventory first. That is a headache in itself. We are expected to keep up with a lot of information and know how to use multiple systems, but the process changes almost on a monthly basis. They “fix” things that don’t need fixing. I don’t even know how to do my job anymore due to this. Also, every mouse click and key stroke is closely monitored and we are questioned if we are idle too long. We have trainers to assist us when we are stuck, but they are always in meetings & busy helping the managers. If we reach out for help, it can take days for a reply. All the while, managers are breathing down our necks for things to be completed ASAP. Since things are always changing, it is getting harder and harder to pass a quality audit, which is a major factor in our raises.

I had a manager who was kind, but forgetful and unprofessional. Our “monthly” 1:1 meeting would happen once every 6 months and she brought up inappropriate topics ( like our sex lives and childhood trauma ) during daily huddle calls. I didn’t mind the lack of meetings and liked that she mostly left me alone.

Upper management decided to switch the teams around for no reason and now I have a new manager ( I was also informed that this can change at any time and we may be switched around again and again ).

My new manager is the worst. I’ve been on FMLA and this has not stopped her from assigning me inventory & sending me emails saying things need to be done ASAP ( because upper management is on her ass about deadlines ) I told her I don’t check my email while I’m using FMLA and this was not an acceptable answer for her. She’s also been harassing me about some stupid “work place safety” course I need to take and being vaguely threatening in her emails about it ( my old manager didn’t care about the courses & didn’t make a big deal about it )

I’ve been told by others that she’s a stickler for the rules and has NO compassion whatsoever. She hasn’t been my manager for long and I can see this is true. People have complained about her for years now but she’s firmly planted in upper managements ass so it’s clear to me that she isn’t going anywhere. It’s stressing me out and I dread logging in now. I don’t even make a living wage. I feel terrible because my boyfriend pays a majority of the bills. This FMLA was supposed to be time for me to recover but I feel like I’m just getting worse mentally as well as physically ( exhausted & hair is falling out as well as increased anxiety ) I am completely miserable and feel so stuck.

I’ve applied for other departments and other jobs but no luck so far. I want to quit so bad but I feel too bad making my boyfriend pay for everything. I’ve always had a job. And with the job market the way it is, I’m afraid it’ll take forever to find a new one. Lack of insurance is also an issue. I’ve been with my boyfriend for five years and we’re planning to get married & he suggested we elope first so I can be added to his insurance but this obviously isn’t ideal.

I want to go back to school and my boyfriend supports me but I’m worried he’ll end up resenting me for it. ( he makes close to $40 an hour and works close to 60-70 hours a week. I don’t even make $17 and I’m working 40 hours a week)

Looking for insight from others who quit a toxic work environment without a new job lined up but any advice is welcome and appreciated.

Thank you!

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