
Should I Quit My Job to Prioritize My Mental Health?

I find myself at a crossroads and could really use some advice from all of you. I've been working at my current job for almost 2 years now, and lately, the stress has become overwhelming. Yesterday, I experienced a panic attack at work, and it has made me seriously question whether I should continue in this position. Some important details: I do have roughly 6 months of expenses saved up, which could provide a safety net if I decide to leave. However, I'm torn about the decision as I don't want to make a hasty move without considering all perspectives. Has anyone else faced a similar situation? If so, how did you navigate it, and what factors did you consider before making your choice? Any advice on how to approach this situation while prioritizing my mental health would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support and insight.

I find myself at a crossroads and could really use some advice from all of you. I've been working at my current job for almost 2 years now, and lately, the stress has become overwhelming. Yesterday, I experienced a panic attack at work, and it has made me seriously question whether I should continue in this position.

Some important details: I do have roughly 6 months of expenses saved up, which could provide a safety net if I decide to leave. However, I'm torn about the decision as I don't want to make a hasty move without considering all perspectives.

Has anyone else faced a similar situation? If so, how did you navigate it, and what factors did you consider before making your choice? Any advice on how to approach this situation while prioritizing my mental health would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support and insight.

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