
Would you wreck your boss’s career as retribution?

Sorry for the long story. Worked for a state government agency. The agency setup a smaller satellite location and asked existing employees for volunteers to move and work at the location 3 hours drive away. No pay increase, no moving expenses paid, no incentive, nothing. And of course noone volunteered. After months of no volunteers while this place was being built, they finally decided that they would offer the possibility of a supervisor position if an experienced person agreed to move and work there. OP and another person both agreed to move with this stipulation. They further decided to hire new people—at the central location—to fill the ranks and just tell them that moving to the satellite location was a requirement of the job. Somehow they manage to hire some new people who get short term leases at the central location to undergo training for 6 months, then move without…

Sorry for the long story. Worked for a state government agency. The agency setup a smaller satellite location and asked existing employees for volunteers to move and work at the location 3 hours drive away. No pay increase, no moving expenses paid, no incentive, nothing. And of course noone volunteered. After months of no volunteers while this place was being built, they finally decided that they would offer the possibility of a supervisor position if an experienced person agreed to move and work there. OP and another person both agreed to move with this stipulation. They further decided to hire new people—at the central location—to fill the ranks and just tell them that moving to the satellite location was a requirement of the job. Somehow they manage to hire some new people who get short term leases at the central location to undergo training for 6 months, then move without assistance to the satellite location…
Fast forward nearly 2 years of OP and other experienced person dealing with managerial duties with still no hiring/appointing of a satellite supervisor and the office created for it sitting completely empty. Now there are rumblings that upper management has selected someone from the central location to appoint as the satellite supervisor. No experience at the satellite location whatsoever and completely screwing the promises made to OP and the other experienced employee who worked to ensure a smooth transition and onlining of the satellite location…
OP found a new job and left. Told management during the exit interview that they were in the wrong as well as multiple management failures and all around treating employees like crap. Multiple employees left this job and the agency kept a very high turnover due to upper management. Very tyrannical, underpaid job full of micromanagement and firing anyone who questions decisions.
Fast forward again multiple years to find out that the director of said agency has been forced into early retirement and the assistant director has been force resigned or be fired because they were having affairs in their marriages with one another, hadnt disclosed relationship to state, and had bought a house together. PR campaign now shows only early retirement of director and lauds his achievements. His linkedIn shows looking for work. Here’s the conundrum. Close to retirement, with no accountability for his actions and if the truth is kept hidden, he could easily be appointed to another govt position or job. Does he deserve judgement? Does he get to walk away from this scott free and potentially take his toxic management elsewhere? What would you do reddit?

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