
Employee potluck @ multi million dollar company

I don’t know where else to post this rant, but I came across this in and think it fits nicely. I work for a multi million dollar company. Today, they announced that as part of a mid-summer celebration (who the F celebrates mid-summer???), we are going to have a mandatory potluck lunch in August. Like, what the F, company, you’re expecting us to buy stuff and spend time preparing food or subsidize our coworkers’ meals when a lunch for staff would be a rounding error on your balance sheet? And since this is an official company event, anyone who skips out has to charge PTO. I hope everyone brings the same dish. Can’t wait to leave this place.

I don’t know where else to post this rant, but I came across this in and think it fits nicely. I work for a multi million dollar company. Today, they announced that as part of a mid-summer celebration (who the F celebrates mid-summer???), we are going to have a mandatory potluck lunch in August. Like, what the F, company, you’re expecting us to buy stuff and spend time preparing food or subsidize our coworkers’ meals when a lunch for staff would be a rounding error on your balance sheet? And since this is an official company event, anyone who skips out has to charge PTO. I hope everyone brings the same dish. Can’t wait to leave this place.

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