
Yelled at by coworker—what should I do?

So I got yelled at by a coworker and she was laying it into me that she didn’t like how I did things how she doesn’t like working with me and how I was immature and all this other stuff that she wouldn’t stop at the yelling just continued and continued. I almost thought of walking offsite, but I felt I could get in trouble for it. The thing is we have had a disagreement in the past and the manager done with it so I felt like I was the one that went to him the first time I don’t wanna have to go to have a second time. I feel like it’ll be like tattling but this really affected my productivity at work. What should I do? I also feel like I set her off but I don’t think yelling is appropriate.

So I got yelled at by a coworker and she was laying it into me that she didn’t like how I did things how she doesn’t like working with me and how I was immature and all this other stuff that she wouldn’t stop at the yelling just continued and continued. I almost thought of walking offsite, but I felt I could get in trouble for it.
The thing is we have had a disagreement in the past and the manager done with it so I felt like I was the one that went to him the first time I don’t wanna have to go to have a second time. I feel like it’ll be like tattling but this really affected my productivity at work.
What should I do? I also feel like I set her off but I don’t think yelling is appropriate.

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